Monday, March 18, 2013

Spring is just around the corner

Hi everybody,
I don't know if you're as excited as I am about spring almost being here. One day it is here and the next there's snow again. Well I guess that's March for you. At the farm we're cleaning up after the winter and starting some early crops in cold frames.

I've also been sneaking around in the woods for signs of PLANTS!
Here in Armstrong the sap of the birch is not ready to tap yet, but a couple of warm days will surely change that. Another treat out there, ready for the picking now is the lovelies of them all, the nettle. She is high in iron, extremely nutritious, beautiful to look at and if that wasn't all, fantastically tasting too. So get on out there and grab a few, easy to make a dip out of to spread on your sandwich. Or why not make a soup out of them?
This year I will do some hikes and events teaching people about plants. More will be posted here as they come up.

  • If you have a group and are interested in learning about wild plants, berries and nuts I can tailor a hike for you. I can take groups as small as 2 people or up to 25. I can come to any location you wish. In the past I have done many hikes in Ellison Prov. Park, Kalamalka Lake Prov. Park, Mount Rose Prov. Park and BX Creek.

  • Should you be interested in a workshop on how to make your own salves; medicinal properties of plants; or planting/growing tips on herbs ,I can do those too. 

  • Last year I did a couple of birthday parties, where the theme was wilderness survival, plant knowledge and fauna. If this is something you think your child would enjoy, or even if you're an adult and wish to have an organised wilderness event, let me know and we can come up with a plan that would interest everyone.
For more information, prices and ideas please feel free to contact me:
Mikaela Cannon     Tel +1 250 306 1915              email:

Exciting plant classes coming up

 Hi everybody, Below is a list of some fun classes (both kids and adult) that are coming up this spring. I hope to see you on some of them:)...